Зона безопасного интернета для детей
Welcome to the animal kingdom!
Зона безопасного интернета для детей

Choose the picture of the animal you want to build

  • Eléfant
  • Lièvre
  • Ours
  • Panthère des neiges
  • Toucan au bec noir
  • Ara bleu-jaune
  • Calaos
  • Tapir
  • Flamant
  • Paon
  • Guépard
  • Chameau
  • Panda
  • Jeune coq
  • Hibou
  • Lion
  • Tigre
  • Ours blanc
  • Corbeau

Description of the game: The game “Assemble a picture” is an electronic version of the “Puzzles” that everyone likes. The child has to assemble a complete picture out of offered small squares. For this, he has to move the small squares with the mouse. On the right, you can see a miniature of the picture that is to be done in the end. The game has three levels: an easy level when the picture is separated in four parts and is suitable for children elder than 3, a middle level with 9 parts, that will be fine for schoolboys of early years, and a complicated level with 16 parts, for real professionals. At the end of the game, the computer will indicate the time spent by the player to cope with the task. Less time spent, better result!

Aim of the game: To teach a child to correctly assemble the picture of an image in several parts by putting them next to each other while comparing an imaginary appearance of an object with the real one. The game develops thinking, memory, visual perception and attention.

Для детей: игры, конкурсы, сказки, загадки »»

  • Eléfant
  • Lièvre
  • Ours
  • Panthère des neiges
  • Toucan au bec noir
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