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The saiga, or Mongolian saiga Saiga tatarica

Фото Saiga
Фото Saiga
Фото Saiga
Фото Saiga
Фото Saiga
Фото Saiga
Фото Saiga
Фото Saiga
Фото Saiga
Фото Saiga

The saiga, or Mongolian saiga is a small antelope with body length of 150 cm, height, up to 80 cm, and weight, from 23 to 40 kg. It has a light but slightly awkward structure with long body and relatively short, thin but strong legs. The most notable feature of a saiga is its large hawk-nosed head with a huge proboscis that hangs over its mouth. This fleshy proboscis has greatly enlarged nasal cavities that warm up icy winter air breathed in by a fast running animal. Thick long fur growing by winter time protects saiga antelopes in severe storms, while the hair on the muzzle prevents their nose from freezing. The horns are borne only by males; they are almost vertical, lyre-shaped and waxy coloured. Saigas are well adapted to the desert and semi-desert environment. The saiga runs with a trotting gait and is able to reach speeds of up to 80 km per hour, from time to time jumping up. Saigas mainly feed on cereals, various grasses and herbs, horsetail ephedra, sagebrush, and steppe lichens. During the breeding season, fierce fights break out among rival males and often result in death of one of them. The winner becomes an owner of a harem consisting of 5 to 50 females. Gestation in females lasts about five months. Young females usually give birth to a single calf, while older ones may have two babies. A calve starts grazing grass at the age of 4 to 8 days and follows its mother when it is 10 days old. Lactation period in females is about 4 months. The saiga antelope inhabits lowlands of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The saiga population had drastically declined by the beginning of 20-th century because of extensive hunting but conservation measures facilitated its recovery.

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