Зона безопасного интернета для детей
Welcome to the animal kingdom!
Зона безопасного интернета для детей

Animals from tropic countries

Here the child will get not only a small story about each of the presented animals of hot countries, abundantly supplied with talented photos. He can continue his acquaintance with the chosen bird, lion or giraffe by reading a story about it, collecting a picture and watching an interesting cartoon. Moreover, the picture task has several levels, which means that a child of any age can find a task on his or her shoulders: from the easiest level to the most difficult. Cartoons, pictures and fairy tales fully correspond to the theme. There are such birds as ostrich and peacock, toucan and rhinoceros bird, various parrots. About mammals will be interesting to learn a lot of new things: how behave lion pride and herd of elephants, the habits of rhinoceros and tapir, sloth and small panda. Of course, it is almost impossible to cover all the animals that live in hot countries, but this section will be added to.

Для детей: игры, конкурсы, сказки, загадки »»

  • Elephants
  • Hare
  • Bear
  • Snow Leopard
  • Channel-billed toucan
  • Все самое интересное