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Let's talk about the funny and a bit hedgehog-like animals - Indian porcupines.

Do you know what a porcupine looks like? It's a big, furry animal that lives in Asia, and it has a huge number of long, sharp barbs on its back. These barbs are very, very sharp and help the porcupine defend itself against enemies. At the end of its tail, there is a small bundle of these barbs that the porcupine shakes when it is disturbed. This creates a funny sound, similar to a rattle.

Indian porcupines are a special kind of porcupine. They are slightly larger than a dog and can weigh up to 20 kilograms. Their barbs can reach a length of 60cm, which is almost as long as an adult's arm!

Where the Indian porcupine lives

The Indian porcupine likes dry and sandy places. It lives in places ranging from Asia Minor to India, Tibet and even on the island of Sri Lanka. It usually chooses places in the mountains or near rivers. The Indian porcupine likes to be alone. It lives in burrows that it digs itself in the ground or finds shelter among rocks and stones.

What the Indian porcupine eats

The porcupine likes to eat fruits and plants, greens, roots and even the bark of trees. It also eats fruit from trees and even likes to visit orchards to eat fallen fruit. Unlike other rodents, the Indian porcupine needs to drink water, so sometimes it has to seek out rivers and streams.

They are more fond of night time when it is dark around. They usually sleep during the day and come out at night to look for food. Porcupines are friendly and peaceful, but if they get scared or feel threatened, they may raise their barbs and even shoot them at the enemy!

How porcupines grow up

A porcupine usually has two to four babies. After birth they stay with their mum in the burrow, and in spring they start to go outside and by the end of summer they are living on their own.

When baby porcupines are born, their barbs are still soft. But very soon, just a few days later, they become hard and sharp.

These are such amazing and funny animals - Indian porcupines!

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