Зона безопасного интернета для детей
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Зона безопасного интернета для детей

A Kitten called Woof (G.B. Auster)

Only trouble

In the attic lived a kitten named Woof. He was ginger. When the neighbour's cat found out that the ginger kitten's name was Woof, he scratched his back on the chimney of the neighbour's house and said:

- I wouldn't advise a kitten with that name to go down to the yard. There's nothing but trouble waiting for a kitten with that name in the yard.

Woof the kitten heard and thought: "What kind of trouble is this and why are they waiting for me?". Woof immediately went down to the yard and looked carefully in all the nooks and crannies - there was no trouble anywhere.

At that time a big dog came into the yard. She saw Woof and thought: "Here comes a red kitten. I never noticed him before."

- Hey you, ginger," the dog called, "what's your name?

- Woof! - said the kitten.

- What?! - surprised the dog.

- Woof!

- Oh, you're still teasing, - shouted the dog and chased the kitten so fast that almost caught him.

When kitten Woof came to his attic, the neighbour's cat asked him:

- 'Well, are you sure there's trouble waiting for you in the yard?

- No, - said the kitten, - not convinced. I looked for them, I looked for them and almost found them, but the dog chased me away.

It's easier to go down

The puppy came to the attic to visit the kitten, sat down and stuck out his tongue.

- Why are you sticking out your tongue," asked Woof the kitten?

- I'm tired," replied the puppy. - It's a long way up to you. You'd better come and visit me. It's easier for you.

- Why do I feel better?

- Because you live upstairs and I live downstairs. You have to come up and you can come down to me. And going down is always easier than going up. Isn't that right?

- That's right, said the kitten. - Only there's something wrong.

- There is.

- Wait, let me think.

- What is there to think about?

- You're not quite right," said the kitten. - It's easier to go down, but you forgot that I have to go back up to the attic.

- I'm still right," said the puppy. - It's harder for you to go out, but easier for you to come in. So you come.

Where it's better to be afraid

The rain pounded loudly on the roof. Woof sat in his attic and was afraid. And a puppy from the ground floor came to visit him.

- Woof," called the puppy, "where are you?

- I am here," replied Woof from the farthest corner of the attic.

- What are you doing?

- I'm afraid of the rain.

- Let's be afraid together," suggested the puppy, sat down next to the kitten, and they began to be afraid together.

The puppy listened and listened to the rain, and he really got scared.

- You know what," said the puppy, "let's go downstairs and be afraid.

The kitten and the puppy went down to the ground floor and sat down on the bottom step.

- No," said Woof, "you can't hear the rain here, so it's no fun to be afraid. I'd rather go and be afraid in the attic.

The middle of the sausage

Kitten Woof and Puppy were going to have breakfast, but they had only one sausage for two.

- How are we going to divide it up? - asked the puppy.

- Very simply, said the kitten. - What is from the beginning to the middle of the sausage will be yours, and what is from the middle to the end will be mine.

The puppy thought and sighed.

- No, it won't work that way.

- Why can't it work?

- Because we don't know where the sausage ends and the sausage begins. So we can't find the middle.

- Indeed, - agreed the kitten, - we do not know. Then let's do it this way: you start eating the sausage from one side, and I - from the other. Where we meet will be the middle.

- Okay," agreed the puppy, and they began to eat.

When their noses met, the puppy said:

- We met very quickly. Are you sure this is the middle of the sausage?

- It doesn't matter now," said the kitten. - There's no other place left in the sausage anyway.

That's not fair

The puppy and the kitten were playing catch in the yard. And the neighbour's cat walked on his neighbour's roof and resented them:

- What kind of friendship is this between a puppy and a kitten? There can't be any friendship! All the same, the puppy will one day become a grown-up dog, and the kitten a cat. And how a cat and a dog live has long been known. Soon your friend will always chase you, and you will always run away.

The puppy heard and said to the kitten:

- Why should I be chasing you all the time? It's not fair to play catch like that. I want to take turns. First I'll chase you and then you'll chase me.

A well-hidden cutlet

The puppy brought a cutlet up to the attic, put it in a corner and said to the kitten:

- "Please see that no one steals my cutlet. I will play a little in the yard, and then I will come and eat it.

- All right," said the kitten, and the puppy ran away.

The puppy was playing in the courtyard and suddenly he saw a kitten called Woof coming out of the entrance.

- Woof," the puppy got worried, "why did you leave my cutlet unattended?

- I hid it! - replied Woof.

- What if someone finds it?

- Don't worry! - said Woof confidently. - I hid it very well. I ate it.

I'm not home

The kitten went to visit the puppy, but on the way he met him.

- Hello," said the puppy, "where are you going?

- I'm coming to visit you.

- Unfortunately," said the puppy, "I'm not at home.

- Where are you?

- I went to visit you.

- I see, said Woof the kitten. - Only I'm not home either.

- Where are you?

- I'm coming to visit you.

- Too bad," said the puppy, "neither you nor I are home. What are we going to do?

- We'll have to wait," sighed the kitten. - Let's play in the yard and wait. Maybe one of us will come home


Woof the kitten and the puppy were playing echo. They shouted words into the drainpipe and the tips of the words popped back out of the drainpipe.

- Sourdough! - shouted the kitten, and out of the pipe came: "Your..."

- You hear, - the kitten was happy, - ours. Now you shout something.

- Sausage! - shouted the puppy, and out of the pipe came "Wasp."

- "A wasp," said Woof, "can bite.

- Don't worry,' said the puppy, 'it's only an echo. Now let's shout "cutlet."

- Don't," said the kitten, "it's not a nice word. It doesn't have an "errr" in it.

- Well, then, "entrecote."

- What's an entrecote?

- It's a kind of meat.

- All right, - agreed the kitten and shouted with all his might into the pipe: - Antrecote!!!!

Then the chimney rumbled and rumbled, and the neighbour's cat flew out. He was sitting on the roof at the top of the pipe, listening and accidentally fell into the pipe.

The puppy and the kitten ran away and only came to their senses in the attic. When Woof got his breath back, he said:

- No wonder. I shouted: "An-tre-cat!" and out of the chimney came the cat.

Secret language

- Come here! - shouted the puppy to the kitten. - I've got something!

- What have you thought of? - Woof asked.

- I've invented a secret language.

- Why a secret language? - Woof was surprised.

- So that we can talk and no one can understand us.

- That's good! - Woof rejoiced. - Tell me something in your secret language.

- Kuka marcuka balam barabuka! - said the puppy.

- Very secret, - praised Woof, - nothing is clear.

- And now," said the puppy, "let me tell you in your ear what it means, 'kuka marcuka'.

- Don't! - said Woof. - Don't tell me.

- Why not? - surprised puppy.

- Because it's secret! - said Woof the kitten. - And let it be secret. Let it never be clear to anyone. Not even me. Then we'll have a real top secret language.

Shadow understands everything

The kitten went out into the yard and saw a small shadow lying near his feet.

- Hello! - rejoiced the kitten. - Do you want to play?

The shadow was silent.

- Why don't you answer? - said the kitten. - Let me catch up with you, and you run away.

And the kitten ran across the yard. The shadow ran ahead and ran very fast. The kitten couldn't catch it. He reached the neighbour's house and stopped.

- 'Now,' said the kitten, 'I will run away, and you catch up.

The shadow ran behind him and must have tried very hard, but he still couldn't catch the kitten.

- It didn't catch him! I didn't catch him! - screamed the kitten and stopped, because he had reached his house.

Shadow stopped too.

- Who are you talking to? - The puppy asked the kitten as he came out of the driveway.

- The shadow," the kitten answered.

- Can a shadow talk?

- No," said the kitten. - But it understands everything.

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