Зона безопасного интернета для детей
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Зона безопасного интернета для детей

The wolf and the dog (Leo Tolstoy)

A skinny wolf was walking near a village and met a fat dog. The wolf asked the dog:

- Tell me, dog, where do you get your food from?

The dog said:

- People give it to us.

- Is it true that you serve hard service to people?

The dog said:

- No, our service is not difficult. Our job is to guard the yard at night.

- Is that why they feed you so much? - said the wolf. - I would go to your service now, because it is difficult for us wolves to get food.

- Well, go," said the dog. - The master will feed you in the same way.

The wolf was glad and went with the dog to serve people. When the wolf was about to enter the gate, he saw that the dog's neck hair was wiped off. He said:

- And what is this, dog, what do you have?

- Just so, - said the dog.

- Why so what?

- Just like that, from the chain. I sit on a chain during the day, so the chain wiped off a little hair on my neck.

- Well, goodbye, dog, - said the wolf. - I won't go to live with people. I will not be so fat, but in the wild.

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