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The Temminck’s tragopan Tragopan temminckii

Фото Temminck’s tragopan
Фото Temminck’s tragopan
Фото Temminck’s tragopan
Фото Temminck’s tragopan
Фото Temminck’s tragopan

The Temminck’s tragopan ranges across the eastern Himalayan Mountains in eastern India, China, Bhutan, Myanmar, and Vietnam, at elevations of up to 4,600 meters above sea level. This bird's name commemorates the Dutch naturalist Coenraad Jacob Temminck (1778—1858). Temminck’s tragopans prefer to rest in trees in the night time, although they spend most of the day foraging on the ground. Their diet includes flowers, leaves, grass stalks, bamboo sprouts, berries, and, occasionally, insects. Two to four eggs are laid per clutch, which are incubated for about 4 weeks by the female. The young are able to fly in a few days after hatching. During the first weeks of their life, they feed on invertebrates but later shift to feeding on plants.

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