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The Japanese mole (Mogera wogura), Temminck's mole

Фото Japanese mole

Красная книга России The Japanese mole (Mogera wogura), Temminck's mole is listed in the Russian Red Data Book


The Japanese mole (Mogera wogura), also known as Temminck's mole is a species of shrew in the family Talpidae. Mogera wogura is a mammal of the genus.

Maximum life expectancy in captivity is 3.2 years.


Found in Japan, including southern Honshu, Shikoku, Shodo and several small islands in the Sea of Japan; Taiwan and Hainan; eastern China; the Korean Peninsula; and southern Primorskii Territory. The range covers several protected areas.

It is a fairly widespread species. There are no threats to the population. Mogera wogura inhabits grasslands and cultivated fields. The altitude of the distribution is up to 1,000 m above sea level.

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