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The Ussuri shrew (Sorex mirabilis), the giant shrew

Источник: sevin.ru

Красная книга России The Ussuri shrew (Sorex mirabilis), the giant shrew is listed in the Russian Red Data Book as a "rare relict endemic species with declining numbers"

The Ussuri shrew (Sorex mirabilis), also known as the giant shrew, is a species of shrew found in Northeast Asia. An adult Ussuri shrew has a total length including the tail of 137 to 170 mm (5.4 to 6.7 in). It is found in valleys and on the forested slopes of mountains in the Korean Peninsula, northeastern China, and the Russian Far East. It is rarely observed, and its ecology is largely unknown.

It is one of the largest representatives of the White-tailed Harrier genus, reaching a length of almost 10 cm and a weight of up to 14 g. Its body colouring is brownish-brown, while the underparts are lighter and duller. The long (up to 3 cm) light grey vibrissae are well distinguishable on the snout.

Sorex mirabilis lives mainly in damp areas of broadleaf and coniferous forests. It feeds on both earthworms and nodules, which other Sorex mirabilis species do not eat. Eats 2 to 2.5 times its own weight in food per day. Breeds once a year.

Sorex mirabilis is listed in the Russian Red Data Book as a "rare relict endemic species with declining numbers".

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