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The white-headed marmoset (Callithrix geoffroyi), tufted-ear marmoset, Geoffroy's marmoset, or Geoffrey's marmoset

Фото White-headed marmoset
Фото White-headed marmoset
Фото White-headed marmoset
Фото White-headed marmoset
Фото White-headed marmoset
Фото White-headed marmoset
Фото White-headed marmoset
Фото White-headed marmoset

White-headed marmoset видео

The white-headed marmoset (Callithrix geoffroyi), also known as the tufted-ear marmoset, Geoffroy's marmoset, or Geoffrey's marmoset, is a marmoset endemic to forests in eastern Brazil, where it is native to Bahia, Espírito Santo, and Minas Gerais, and introduced to Santa Catarina. It is known as the sagüi or sauim in Brazil. Its diet consists of fruits, insects, and the gum of trees.

Description and habitat area

Callithrix geoffroyi is a species of a platyrrhine primate of the family Callitrichidae. Callithrix geoffroyi was formerly considered a subspecies of the common toad (Callithrix jacchus), but was elevated to species status in 1988. Like the others, Callithrix geoffroyi has incisors capable of gnawing the bark of trees for edible sap. The body length of Callithrix geoffroyi is about 20 cm, its tail is almost 30 cm, and males weigh between 230 and 250 g and females weigh an average of 190 g.

Callithrix geoffroyi is found in the forests of southeastern Brazil.

Zoologists estimate that during the rainy season these primates spend 32.1 % of their total time resting, 21 % eating, 20 % moving around, 14 % foraging, 13 % gnawing bark for tree sap and 3 % on social activities such as playing, grooming, vocalising and territory marking. During the dry season, resting time is reduced to 17.8% and foraging time increases to 20.6%. Zoologists have observed that Callithrix geoffroyi often follows cohorts of roaming ants and catches the insects they have scared away.


Callithrix geoffroyi are omnivorous and their diet includes fruit, insects and tree sap. The diet is supplemented by flowers, nectar, frogs, snails, lizards and spiders.


Callithrix geoffroyi live in family groups of 8-10 individuals, each group having a single dominant breeding pair. Gestation lasts between 140 and 148 days, and most often there are two young (sometimes one or three) in a litter. They are breastfed until 5 or 6 months of age and reach sexual maturity between 15 and 18 months. The young are cared for by all members of the group.

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