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The eastern woolly lemur (Avahi laniger), the eastern avahi or Gmelin's woolly lemur

Фото Eastern woolly lemur

Красная книга МСОП The eastern woolly lemur (Avahi laniger), the eastern avahi or Gmelin's woolly lemur is included in the IUCN Red List as "vulnerable"

The eastern woolly lemur (Avahi laniger), also known as the eastern avahi or Gmelin's woolly lemur, is a species of woolly lemur native to eastern Madagascar, where it lives in the wet tropical rainforest at low elevations along the eastern coast of the island or they can also inhabit the northern tip of the island with other species.

Description and distribution

Avahi laniger is a species of woolly lemur, a primate of the Indriidae family. Weight 1 to 1.3 kg, body length 27 to 29 cm, tail length 33 to 37 cm. Endemic to Madagascar. Found in the humid forests of eastern Madagascar.

Habitat and reproduction

Diet consists mainly of leaves. Nocturnal animal. During the day, it usually sleeps in the lower branches of trees. The Avahi laniger lives in monogamous pairs with their young. There is one offspring per litter and they give birth in August or September.

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