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The western woolly lemur or western avahi (Avahi occidentalis)

Фото Western woolly lemur

Красная книга МСОП The western woolly lemur or western avahi (Avahi occidentalis) is included in the IUCN Red List as an endangered species

The western woolly lemur or western avahi (Avahi occidentalis) is a species of woolly lemur native to western Madagascar, where they live in dry deciduous forests.

Description and distribution

Avahi occidentalis is a species of primate in the genus Avahi of the family Indriidae. It is endemic to Madagascar, where they live in dry deciduous forests. Nocturnal animals, weighing between 0.7 and 0.9 kg. It forms small groups composed of a monogamous pair with their young.


Avahi occidentalis feeds mainly on the leaves and shoots of about 20 different plants, preferring young plants with a high sugar and protein content. Feeding usually takes place two hours before sunset. Mainly due to the specificity of their diet, Avahi occidentalis spend a great deal of time resting to conserve more energy.

Conservation status

As Avahi occidentalis are very selective in their diet, they are quite difficult to keep in captivity. Therefore, the only way to conserve Avahi occidentalis is to preserve their natural range. Based on these considerations, the International Union for Conservation of Nature has given the species a threatened conservation status.

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