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Peyrieras's woolly lemur or Peyrieras's avahi (Avahi peyrierasi)

Фото Peyrieras's woolly lemur

Красная книга МСОП Peyrieras's woolly lemur (Avahi peyrierasi) is included in the IUCN Red List as "species at risk"

Peyrieras's woolly lemur or Peyrieras's avahi (Avahi peyrierasi) is a species of woolly lemur native to southeastern Madagascar.

Avahi peyrierasi is a species of primate mammal in the family Indriidae. Like all lemurs, it is endemic to Madagascar and is distributed in the southeast of the island.

It measures between 26 and 32 cm plus a tail of 29 to 34 cm and weighs just over one kilogramme. The back is greyish brown and the belly greyish or whitish, with a reddish brown tail. The inner thighs are white, as is the circular facial mask of some specimens and the beard and cheeks.

Its habitat is the primary rainforest of both the plains and mountains, with tall trees and light undergrowth, although it is also found in more degraded forests. They are nocturnal and arboreal. Most of the night (60%) is spent resting, 20% feeding, 15% moving around and 5% grooming. It feeds mainly on leaves, as well as flowers and fruits.

Its status on the IUCN Red List is "vulnerable" due to habitat loss and, to a lesser extent, hunting, although its meat is not highly valued.

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