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The Sambirano woolly lemur (Avahi unicolor), the Sambirano avahi or unicolor woolly lemur

Фото Sambirano woolly lemur

Красная книга МСОП The Sambirano woolly lemur (Avahi unicolor) is included in the IUCN Red List as a "threatened species"

The Sambirano woolly lemur (Avahi unicolor), also known as the Sambirano avahi or unicolor woolly lemur, is a species of woolly lemur native to western Madagascar.


Avahi unicolor is a species of primate mammal in the family Indriidae. The species differs from the related Avahi occidentalis in having no white fur around the muzzle and black hairless patches around the eyes. The eyes are deep red-brown and the eyelids are hairless. The muzzle is black, hairless. The coat is light beige-grey, slightly curly. Tail grey-brown or reddish brown, light brown or cream at the base. The coat is slightly darker on the upper back and shoulders. Abdomen light grey, lower limbs almost white.

Distribution and status

Avahi unicolor is found in northwestern Madagascar, on the Ampasindava peninsula.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has declared the species endangered. The range covers less than 820 km2 and is highly fragmented and decreasing in size due to deforestation and mining in this region of Madagascar.

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