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Transbaikal zokor (Myospalax psilurus)

Фото Transbaikal zokor

Красная книга России The Transbaikal zokor (Myospalax psilurus) is listed in the Red Data Book of Russia

The Transbaikal zokor (Myospalax psilurus) is a species of rodent in the family Spalacidae. It is found in China, Mongolia, and Russia.


The Transbaikal zokor (Myospalax psilurus) is a mammal of the genus zokor of the rodent family.

Body mass up to 456 g, with an average length of about 20.9 cm (19-23.8). Tail length is 3.4-5.05 cm. The upper side of the body is dark grey to light, greyish-ochre. Dark specimens often have a light-coloured spot on the back of the head. Hair on the tail is sparse.

Distribution and breeding

Occurs in Transbaikalia, Eastern Mongolia, Eastern and Central China, Primorye.

The female bears from 2 to 4 cubs.

Conservation status

Listed in the Red Data Book of Primorsky Krai and the Red Data Book of Russia. No exact data on numbers are available.

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