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Family Springhares Pedetidae

The South African springhare Pedetes capensis

Фото South African springhare
Фото South African springhare
Фото South African springhare
Фото South African springhare

South African springhare видео

The South African springhare is a fairly large rodent (body length ranges from 350 to 430 mm, the weight is 3 to 4 kg) with long hind legs, a long tail covered in dense fur, and short front legs. The springhare resembles a small kangaroo or a giant jerboa. Springhares have four toes on their hind feet with flattened claws that look like small hooves; the claws on the forefeet are sharp and specialized for digging. The springhare has a thick neck with well developed muscles, huge eyes, narrow, upright ears, and soft dense fur. When necessary, these rodents are able to make 2-9-meter long jumps on their hind legs but usually they move on all four limbs. They typically forage in the vicinity of their burrows but when searching for food in unfavourable times, springhares are able to cover a distance of 40 km during the night! South African springhares feed on lush underground and overground parts of plants and may sometimes eat insects. They are nocturnal but may often be also active in the daytime. Springhare female usually gives birth to a single young (twins are very rare). Adult female produces 3 or 4 litters per year with an interval between births of 100 days. Gestation lasts about 80 days; the newborn weighs 250 to 300 grams. Lactation in female is 45 days; after weaning the young starts emerging from the burrow.

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