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The East African springhare (Pedetes surdaster)

Фото East African springhare
Фото East African springhare

The East African springhare (Pedetes surdaster), is not closely related to the hare, which is a lagomorph, but is a member of the Pedetidae, a rodent family.


Pedetes surdaster is very similar in appearance to the Cape longhorn Pedetes capensis and it is very difficult to distinguish them from each other, in 1997 Matthee and Robinson (Matthee and Robinson) on the basis of genetic, morphological and ethological differences separated the East African longhorns into a separate species Pedetes surdaster.

Pedetes surdaster resembles a small kangaroo and is about the size of a rabbit. It is medium brown in colour, with large standing ears, very short front legs and long powerful hind legs. It moves up to 2 metres and has a long tail fringed with black hairs for balance. It can sit on its hind legs like a squirrel.

Pedetes surdaster is nocturnal and spends the day in an extensive burrow system. It lives in the semi-arid savannah. Its diet includes green plant parts, roots and other plant objects, and sometimes insects.

The species is found in central and southern Kenya and most of Tanzania. A single specimen has been recorded in Uganda near the Kenyan border, on Mount Moroto. It inhabits from sea level to altitudes above 2000 metres.


Pedetes surdaster was recognised by Matthee and Robinson in 1997 as a species distinct from the southern African springhare (Pedetes capensis) based on genetic, morphological, and ethological differences. Pedetes capensis from South Africa has fewer chromosomes (2n= 38) than does Pedetes surdaster which has (2n = 40) and some other genetic variations. The species was confirmed by Dieterlen in 2005.


The East African springhare is nocturnal and spends the day in an extensive system of burrows. It lives in semiarid grassland habitats. The diet is the green parts of plants, roots and other vegetable matter, and occasionally insects.

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