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The five-striped palm squirrel Funambulus pennantii

Фото Five-striped palm squirrel
Фото Five-striped palm squirrel
Фото Five-striped palm squirrel

The Northern palm squirrel inhabits jungles and high forests in India, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, and Nepal. This animal resembles the chipmunk by appearance and has a lifestyle similar to that of the red squirrel. Northern palm squirrels mainly feed on seeds, nuts, buds, leaves, and flowers and also eat insects and their larvae. They live in family groups consisting of up to ten animals. Several males fight for access to the female during mating season. The female builds a spherical nest of plant fibres in the tree. After gestation period of 40-45 days, one to three young are born. The young are weaned when they are two months old.

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