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The Prevost's Squirrel Callosciurus prevostii

Фото Prevost's Squirrel
Фото Prevost's Squirrel
Фото Prevost's Squirrel
Фото Prevost's Squirrel
Фото Prevost's Squirrel
Фото Prevost's Squirrel
Фото Prevost's Squirrel

Squirrels of Callosciurus genus are also referred to as “beautiful squirrels” as their brightly coloured pelage makes them most striking of all squirrel species. The Prevost’s squirrel is found in Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and many small islands of the East Indies. The weight of this squirrel is 400 to 500 grams, body length ranges between 20 and 28 cm, with tail measuring 15 to 25 cm. The fur of the Prevost’s squirrel is usually thick but not soft. These rodents occur in lowland tropical forests at medium elevations and in the upper story of the forests where they build nests of twigs and leaves or occupy tree hollows. Prevost’s squirrels are most active at dusk and dawn. They feed on buds, sprouts, nuts, seeds, fruits (such as figs), and flowers; in search of food Prevost’s squirrel may come to palm plantations. Sometimes they also eat bird eggs, insects, and beetle larvae. Like red squirrels, Prevost’s squirrels store up food.

Prevost’s squirrels live alone or in pars but sometimes gather in small groups, for instance, for foraging. They breed throughout the year. Shortly before giving birth, the female leaves her usual tree hollow and builds a new large nest high in the tree. After 40 days’ gestation, 3 or 4 young weighing 16 grams are born in the nest. Probably, adult squirrels feed their offspring with seeds. Scientists believe that in some areas Prevost’s squirrel females give birth to 3 or 4 letters per year. The Prevost’s squirrel is tolerant to some degree of habitat modification. Despite local losses of habitats, this species is not threatened with extinction and is still common and widespread.

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