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The Bale shrew (Crocidura bottegoides)

Красная книга МСОП The Bale shrew (Crocidura bottegoides) is included in the IUCN Red List as an endangered species

Description and dissemination

The Bale shrew (Crocidura bottegoides) is a species of soricomorph mammal in the family Soricidae, endemic to central Ethiopia. Endemic to eastern Africa (Ethiopia). This species is found in an area of only less than 500 km², and only in five localities subject to heavy erosion. It is found in mountainous areas (Bale region, Mount Albasso, Ethiopia) at altitudes between 2,400 and 3,280m. Five specimens were found in isolated forest areas (Harenna forest). Protected in the Bale Mountains National Park. Included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

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