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Azara's night monkey (Aotus azarae)

Фото Azara's night monkey
Фото Azara's night monkey
Фото Azara's night monkey
Фото Azara's night monkey
Фото Azara's night monkey
Фото Azara's night monkey
Фото Azara's night monkey
Фото Azara's night monkey
Фото Azara's night monkey
Фото Azara's night monkey
Фото Azara's night monkey
Фото Azara's night monkey

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Azara's night monkey (Aotus azarae), also known as the southern night monkey, is a night monkey species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Peru and Paraguay. The species is monogamous, with the males providing a large amount of parental care. It is named after Spanish naturalist Félix de Azara. Although primarily nocturnal, some populations of Azara's night monkey are unique among night monkeys in being active both day and night. The species is listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List.


There are three subspecies of Azara's night monkey.

  • Aotus azarae azarae;
  • Bolivian night monkey, Aotus azarae boliviensis;
  • Feline night monkey, Aotus azarae infulatus.

Habitat and nutrition

Azara's night monkey (Aotus azarae) is a species of neotropical primate of the genus Aotus. Its specific name pays homage to the 18th century Spanish naturalist Félix de Azara.

Aotus azarae is common in Bolivia and Peru. These primates are omnivorous and feed on insects, fruits, leaves, seeds, chewing gum, bird eggs and small vertebrates. They forage in trees at night, especially when the moon is full.

Social behaviour and reproduction

Aotus azarae are nocturnal monkeys that live in small family groups of 2 to 4 animals. The male and female form a very stable pair and do not tolerate animals of the same sex in their territory. Gestation lasts between 126 and 133 days, and usually one young is born (rarely two). The mother feeds the young with milk for 5 to 12 months, and they reach sexual maturity at the age of 2 years. The father starts carrying the calf from the second week of life and, after another week, takes it back to the mother just to feed it.


Azara's night monkey is widespread and believed to be overall fairly common. It is present in several reserves. The species is not considered threatened, but is declining locally due to habitat loss.

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