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Webcams of world Zoos

Tallinn Zoo was established as early as 1939 and has rather spacious grounds and a rich animal collection. Its first specimen was a lynx presented to Estonian marksmen as a symbol of their victory at the 1937 World Championship in Helsinki. The lynx became heraldic animal of Tallinn Zoo and can nowadays be seen on its logo.

Initially, the Zoo was founded on the edge of Kadriorg Park; it was moved to its current location only in 1983. Today, its enclosures are inhabited by the animals representing species from all continents. The Tallinn Zoo demonstrates exhibits of elephants, kangaroos, lions, seals, birds of prey, etc.

    1. Tallinn Zoo

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  • Elephants
  • Hare
  • Bear
  • Snow Leopard
  • Channel-billed toucan
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