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White goose

Snow geese are beautiful large birds, all in white fluffy plumage. They have long necks and orange feet. When they fly in a flock, it looks like a festive procession of clouds across the sky!

Where Snow geese live

Snow geese live in different places depending on the time of year. In summer they are usually in the north where it is cooler, and in winter they fly south where it is warmer. These birds are real travellers!

What Snow geese eat

Snow geese love different plants, especially grass. They can also eat grains, berries and even some small animals and insects. When they land in fields or on the banks of a body of water, geese start looking for food with their orange beaks.

How Snow geese build their nests

Snow geese make their nests on dry land where there is plenty of grass. Sometimes the geese gather in large groups and sometimes in small groups. When the snow starts to melt, the geese start to make nests. They dig a small hole in the ground and put moss, grass and their soft down in it. The goose lays four or five eggs in the nest. They sit on them and keep them warm for about a month.

When the little goslings hatch from the egg, they look like tiny olive-coloured fluffy lumps. Mum and dad snow goose quickly take them to a safe place where there is plenty of food. After a month and a half, the goslings grow real feathers. They stay with mum and dad for a long time and even fly away with them for the winter. When the goslings become adults, they begin to make their own nests and care for their own chicks.

What's interesting

Snow geese are excellent swimmers and flyers. They fly very far when they change habitat, and often do so in an arrow shape. If you see one in the sky, know it's geese on a trip! Geese also have a special loud voice. If you listen, you can understand how they "talk" to each other.

Now you know more about the wonderful Snow geese who can travel and "talk" in their goose language!

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