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Alpine hare

The mountain hares are very interesting animals. They are called "white hares" because of their beautiful white winter fur. In winter they become completely white to blend in with the snow and become invisible to enemies. In summer their fur turns grey to blend in with the earth and grass.

The mountain hares can be quite large, about 60cm long. In size, that's like a guitar!

Did you know that mountain hares have very long ears? And that's not just for fun! Long ears help the hare to hear very well. He can hear a rustle of grass or a rustle in the forest at a great distance. This is very important for the mountain hare, as it needs to be alert to danger at all times.

Where mountain hares live

The mountain hare likes different places: it lives in forests, steppes and even tundra. It can be found in Russia, Siberia, Kazakhstan and even South America. The squirrel likes to live near large rivers. It likes to bathe in the sand on the river bank to get rid of unpleasant parasites. The mountain hares are very well adapted to living in cold conditions and can survive even at very low temperatures.

The mountain hares usually live alone in their small territory. They do not usually travel far, but sometimes change places in search of better food. When winter comes, the hares go into the forest, and in spring they return to open areas where there is fresh grass.

What mountain hares eat

The mountain hares eat only plants. They eat different types of grass, leaves, tree bark and even fruits and vegetables. They usually come out to look for food at night to avoid predators.

The mountain hares family

A mum hare can give birth to bunnies up to three times a year. She usually has three to five cubs. The babies are born already covered with fur and with open eyes. They grow very quickly and after a month they start to eat the same food as adult hares.

The mountain hares are amazing animals. They are not only beautiful but also very intelligent. They know how to stay undetected and how to survive in difficult conditions.


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