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Brown bears are very large and strong animals that usually live in forests. They look a lot like the bears you read about in fairy tales or see in cartoons. They can weigh as much as five adult humans, and when a bear stands on its hind legs, it can be taller than any doorway.

Bear's woollen coat

Brown bears have a warm coat that can range in colour from light brown to almost black. This helps them stay warm even in very cold weather

What bears like to eat

Brown bears are omnivores, which means they eat a variety of foods: meat, fish, berries, nuts and even honey! Big bears can even hunt roe deer, deer and wild boar. They are also very fond of catching fish. In general, bears are very good fishermen.

A long bear nap

Have you ever seen a bear in the winter? Probably not. Why not? Because bears hibernate in the winter. It's called hibernation. They sleep in their dens for months without food or water to conserve energy while it's cold outside. When spring comes, bears wake up and start looking for food.

Solitary bears and baby bears

Brown bears usually live alone. They have their own territories, which they mark with special scents and scratches on trees.

A mama bear usually gives birth to two or three cubs in the winter when she sleeps in her den. When the cubs are born, they are very small and weak, but their mothers take care of them until they are old and strong enough to leave the den.

The cubs stay with their mum for the first year of their lives, and sometimes even longer. They learn to eat what their mum eats: berries, herbs and insects. This time is one of the most important times in their lives because it is when they learn to be real bears.


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