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Do you know what a wolverine is? It is an amazing animal that lives in cold places like Siberia and Canada. The wolverine looks like a small bear cub with very long fur.

The wolverine has very wide paws. This helps it hunt in deep snow. With its powerful paws, long claws, and a tail that helps it keep its balance, the wolverine can easily climb trees.

The wolverine may be small, but it is very strong and fast. She can run many kilometres in search of food. Sometimes it can even climb a high mountain!

What a wolverine eats

The wolverine is a true carnivore. This means that it eats other animals. Wolverine prefers not to hunt, but to eat the food that other predators have left behind. Her keen sense of smell helps her find food even under a large layer of snow.

She eats a variety of animals including young deer, rodents, hares, birds and insects. Sometimes she even eats plant foods such as mushrooms and berries.

Life of a wolverine

Wolverines are very fond of freedom. They live alone and only meet other wolverines during the spring season.

A wolverine prepares to become a mum only once every two or three years. She waits for cubs for a long time, up to 9 months, and then gives birth to 2-3 babies. Baby wolverines do not begin to see until the fifth week and stay with their mother until the following summer or even longer. The mum wolverine usually takes care of her cubs until they are adults and start living on their own.

These animals are very brave and strong. Despite their small size, they are able to fight even wolves and bears if they are threatened. Wolverine is a true symbol of bravery and fortitude!

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