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The great bustard is a very large bird that weighs almost as much as a sack of potatoes! She is easily recognisable by her long, thin beak. She has big wings that help her to fly high in the sky, as well as strong legs and beautiful feathers that help her to hide in places where there is a lot of grass and few trees - in the steppes. We can say that the great bustard is a real beauty among birds!

Where the great bustard lives

This beautiful bird lives in open places, in fields and meadows. There is plenty of grass, flowers and small shrubs and plenty of room to run and fly. The great bustard can be found in Europe and Asia where it searches for its favourite food.

What the great bustard eats

The great bustard is a real hunter! In summer it likes bugs and frogs, and in winter it likes grasses and seeds. Sometimes the great bustard can even catch a small snake! Little great bustards, or chicks, like to eat insects.

How the great bustard takes care of its babies

When it gets warm, the great bustards get together and start looking for a mate. The males do beautiful dances, spread their tail and wings to please the females.

The great bustard is a very caring mum. The mum bird makes her nest right on the ground. She digs a small hole, lays it out with dry grass and incubates the eggs. When the little great bustard hatch, mum feeds them insects and teaches them how to be adults.

As the chicks grow older and stronger, they begin to fly. In late summer, the little great bustards join together in flocks and begin to roam the steppe. They live together until the following spring.

How the great bustard communicates with other birds

The great bustard are usually friendly and peaceful birds. They can live together with other great bustards and sometimes even make friends with other bird species.

The great bustard likes to socialise with other birds. They often gather together and make funny sounds that sound like muttering. This is their way of "talking" to each other!

Now you know about the great bustard, a big and beautiful bird that likes to catch insects, take care of its babies and "talk" to its friends!

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