A long time ago, long before we had cars and bicycles, people domesticated the donkey. They discovered that donkeys are amazing helpers that can carry heavy loads on their backs.
Have you ever seen a donkey? It is such a cute animal with big ears and soft grey, brown or even white fur. The donkey's ears are long and very sensitive. The donkey can hear at a great distance. These ears also help him cool down when it is hot.
If you look at the donkey's tail, you can see a long brush at the end of it. It's like a brush that the donkey can use to chase away pesky flies.
Donkeys are friendly, but they can be stubborn at times. If a donkey decides he doesn't feel like moving on, he may just stop and stand there until he doesn't want to go. "Stubborn as a donkey!" - people say and smile because they know that every animal has its own characteristics.
Donkeys are people's helpers
Long ago, even before people had cars and other machines, donkeys helped them in different jobs. They carried heavy loads, helped in the fields and were friends to children. And even now, in some countries, donkeys are still helping people.
The superpower of donkeys
Donkeys have an amazing ability: they can live for long periods of time without food or water. This makes them ideal companions for long journeys.
Mum donkey
Donkeys are very caring mums. They adore their little ones! A mum donkey always makes sure that the baby donkey is supervised. And of course, feeds her baby with the most delicious milk.
Fun facts about donkeys
Did you know that donkeys can shout loudly? Their cry can be heard from a great distance! But don't worry, they don't shout to scare you, it's just their way of communicating. Donkeys are also very intelligent and trainable. You can teach them all sorts of tricks if you approach them with love and patience.
So if you are lucky enough to meet a donkey, be sure to pet it behind its big ear and smile - after all, it is as kind and loyal a friend as many other animals!