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The vulturine guinea fowl Acryllium vulturinum

Фото Vulturine guinea fowl
Фото Vulturine guinea fowl
Фото Vulturine guinea fowl
Фото Vulturine guinea fowl
Фото Vulturine guinea fowl

The vulturine guinea fowl is the largest member of the family: the body length of an adult bird may reach half a meter. The vulturine guinea fowl dwells in semi-desert and arid regions of Africa. The appearance of this bird is remarkable, as its head and neck resemble those of a vulture. However, unlike vultures, this guinea fowl does not feed on carrion, preferring fresh green shoots, buds, seeds, and fruit. The way in which these birds get fruits is rather interesting: they may follow a group of monkeys, collecting the remains of their feasts. Besides, at dawn or in the evening when the heat slackens, they may catch snails, scorpions, spiders, and other insects. The vulturine guinea fowl live in groups throughout the year, with flocks sometimes numbering up to 70 birds, but groups of 20–30 birds are more common. During the breeding period, which coincides with the onset of the rainy season, the flock splits up into pairs. The vulturine guinea fowl males, unlike males of other Galliformes, appear to be caring fathers who, although not incubating, participate in brood-rearing.

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