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The grey partridge Perdix perdix

Фото Grey partridge

The grey partridge is widely spread in the temperate zone of Eurasia; it occurs throughout Europe, from the UK to Kazakhstan, extending north to Scandinavia, Altai and Tuva. Grey partridges were introduced to the USA and Canada. These birds can be found in diverse habitats including grasslands with shrubs and patches of forest in the plains and river valleys, forested steppes, cereal crops, forest clearings, shrubby ravines, wasteland, moors, and sand dunes. In mountainous areas, the grey partridge prefers foothill habitats, and in the forest belt, it may ascend to the subalpine zone. In winter, these birds move close to human settlements and often spend night time in the backyards, near buildings and in the shrubs or at the base of sand hills, where they gather on the snow in close flocks in the leeside.

The grey partridge has a rotund body with the length of 28-32 cm. Males and females have similar appearance, but females are duller in colour. These birds live on the ground. Their diet consists of seeds, roots, and other plant parts. In summer, grey partridges also eat insects and other invertebrates. In autumn, grey partridges consume seeds of weeds including goose-foot, clover, false flex, etc.

Grey partridge female builds a nest in a scrape in the ground, hiding it at the base of a hedge or clump of vegetation. Grey partridges are highly prolific: one clutch may contain from 11 to 20 eggs. The female incubates her eggs during three weeks. Newly hatched chicks are yellowish-fulvous in colour, with black spots. Downy chick can run quite fast, even when it is not fully dry and has remains of the eggshell on its body. The chicks develop quickly and are able to make short-distance flight as soon as they grow flight feathers. The parents always stay close to their offspring. They help their chicks foraging and protect them from cold, rain, and predators. In the beginning of their life, the chicks feed on animal food, such as beetles, ants, grasshoppers, and caterpillars, but as they grow, they start eating plant material. When young birds reach the size of an adult partridge, they gather in large flocks and start migrating in search of food.

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