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The green jungle fowl Gallus varius

Фото Green jungle fowl

The green jungle fowl is endemic to Java and other Sunda Islands. The green jungle fowl can fly better than other Phasaininae and is able to fly over quite long distances. Male green jungle fowl may reach 60 cm in body length. The colouration of the green jungle fowl is sexually dimorphic. The male has shining silky plumage, green-fulvous with darker mottles. As is typical for other jungle fowl, the green jungle fowl’s head is topped with the bright red comb. The female is mostly brown with occasional green feathers and has no comb.

The green jungle fowl usually lives in groups of four to six individuals, led by a dominant male. In the night time, the flock roosts in trees, and in the morning, the birds descend to the ground to forage on the forest floor. Green jungle fowl feed on ripe fruits, weed seeds, insects, and small invertebrates. Breeding season occurs from middle April through June. The female lays 3 to 10 eggs and incubates them for 21 days. Chicks reach sexual maturity at the age of 10 to 18 months.

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