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Phylogenetic Tree of Gallopheasants

Genus Gallopheasants Lophura

The Lophura genus includes 9 to 11 species that are distributed from the southern borders of the Eastern Palaearctic through most Southeast Asia. In all gallopheasants, the males have well developed spurs. The skin around their eyes is partly featherless, with scarlet or light-blue facial wattles of various sizes, which inflate during courtship. This hanging fleshy skin can also be seen around the ears and eyes, as well as on the chin. In female gallopheasants, the areas of bare skin around the eyes, though bright in colour, are still paler than in males and have no wattles. Spurs in females are not pronounced.

All gallopheasants display a distinct sexual dimorphism in their plumage. In females, brown colour of the feathers dominates, while male plumage is mostly dark-blue or black. Their wonderful crests and their tail feathers are usually of yellow or white colour. The tail is elongated and partly bent, consisting of 16 rectrices.

Most gallopheasants inhabit thickets of plants in dense virgin subtropical or tropical forests. Some species appear to be polygamous, others are rather monogamous. Outside the breeding period, birds of many species live in small groups. These pheasants do not build nests, simply laying eggs on the ground or in grass. The clutch usually consists of 4 to 9 eggs and is incubated for 20 to 26 days. Taxonomy of the species belonging to the genus Lophura is very controversial.

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