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The crested fireback Lophura ignita

Фото Crested fireback
Фото Crested fireback
Фото Crested fireback
Фото Crested fireback
Фото Crested fireback
Фото Crested fireback
Фото Crested fireback

The crested fireback is found in lowland forests of the Thai-Malay Peninsula, Borneo and Sumatra, where these timid birds usually hide in dense thickets of plants, which they leave very reluctantly. It is a medium-sized pheasant, up to 70 cm long. The underparts of the male, his belly and sides are velvet-red, but overall beautiful plumage is metallic-black. The blackish-blue tail is rather short, just 24–26 cm long, with two prominent brownish-yellow rectrices. The legs are grey, sometimes with a tinge of red. The females have plainer brown plumage, with white colour on the neck and chin, and white-edged dark-brown feathers on the underparts. The birds live in small groups, feeding on both plant and animal food: seeds, fruit, insects and their larvae. The female lays 4 to 8 eggs on the ground, with both mates participating in the incubation, which period lasts for about a month. The chicks are reared by both parents and fed on small insects, and sometimes on fruit and greens. Young birds reach sexual maturity only in the third year of life.

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