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Phylogenetic Tree of Peacock-pheasants

Genus Peacock-pheasants Polyplectron

The peacock pheasants are the birds with inconspicuous colouration, though they have numerous iridescent ocelli on the wing coverts and tail feathers. The rectrices are broad, flat, with squared terminal edges. The shape of the upper tail coverts is similar to that of the rectrices. Peacock-pheasants have long legs with well-developed metatarsal spurs. Older individuals may have multiple spurs on each leg. Wild peacock-pheasants feed predominantly on small invertebrates. Females lay one or two eggs. In contrast to other pheasants of the subfamily, the chicks of peacock-pheasants do not forage on the ground during their first week of life but are fed bill-to-bill by their mother.

Peacock-pheasants - Descriptions and photos

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