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The mountain peacock-pheasant Polyplectron inopinatum

Фото Mountain peacock-pheasant
Фото Mountain peacock-pheasant
Фото Mountain peacock-pheasant

The mountain peacock-pheasant (also known as Rothschild's peacock-pheasant or mirror pheasant) is found in the Peninsular Malaysia. Its head, neck, and throat are dark grey with light grey streaks and patches. The wings and back are chestnut fulvous with black wavy pattern; tail feathers have small shiny blue orbs near the tips. The primaries are black, upper tail coverts are chestnut fulvous with large blackish dots. The tail has 20 rectrices with rounded tips; the rectrices are black with light brown spots; the central rectrices are iridescent metallic and do not have spots. The male has a body length of 65 cm, the female measures 46 cm in body length.

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