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Genus Tragopan

Members of Tragopan genus are brilliantly coloured, shy, wary, and very secretive birds. They usually spend most of their life in the tree crowns where they both feed and nest. These birds are commonly called "horny pheasants" because of two brightly coloured, fleshy horns on their heads that they can erect during courtship displays. Unlike many other pheasants, tragopans establish stable pair bonds. Breeding season starts in May. A female builds a nest, lining it with twigs and leaves. Females may also use abandoned nests of the crows or diurnal birds of prey. A clutch contains 3–6 eggs that are incubated for about 28 days. The hatchlings have fairly developed wings. Tragopans feed mostly on plant parts, such as buds and leaves. Occasionally, they may eat some berries, seeds, and insects.

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