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The miniature pigs

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Фото Miniature pigs
Фото Miniature pigs
Фото Miniature pigs
Фото Miniature pigs

The domestic pig – Sus scrofa domesticus

It is suggested that the wild boar was initially domesticated in Southeast Asia 12 thousand years ago. Domestic pigs have been known to exist in Europe and Middle East for 7 thousand years. Apparently, initially the pigs were bred for meat, but it turned out that these animals are highly intelligent and could be compared with dogs in this respect. They can be trained to do tricks, find truffles growing under ground, and even search and find brought down prey animals, and bring them to the hunters. Finally, people started to appreciate the capacities of the pigs, and it is very popular now to keep them as pets. Several breeds of miniature pigs were bred with this purpose, with smallest of them weighing less than 10 kg.

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