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The Siberian ibex Capra sibirica

Фото Siberian ibex
Фото Siberian ibex
Фото Siberian ibex
Фото Siberian ibex
Фото Siberian ibex
Фото Siberian ibex

The Siberian ibex, also called the Himalayan Ibex or Asiatic Ibex, is a relatively large ungulate with the body length of up to 165 cm and weight of around 130 kg. Females are significantly smaller than males but both sexes carry horns, and while in females they are small, in males they grow into massive arcs which curl over the back and may exceed one meter in length. The Siberian ibex feeds on diverse alpine grasses but can survive on the diet consisting of lichens and shoots of bushes and trees. In winter, the Siberian ibex digs snow in search of food. Females and their young commonly make up herds of 10 to 20 animals. Adult males can be found in bachelor herds together, establishing strict hierarchical relationships. During the rut, males fight for the access to females, clashing horns with loud banging sounds. In some cases the fights may result in the death of one of the competitive males. Gestation lasts 170 to 180 days, usually resulting in the birth of one kid, less commonly two or three offspring are born. The kids can follow their mother in 2 or 3 days after birth. When threatened, the young hide among stones, blending into their surroundings so that they are almost invisible on the background of rocks.

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