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The Cyprian wild sheep, or mouflon (Ovis orientalis)

Фото Mouflon
Фото Mouflon
Фото Mouflon
Фото Mouflon
Фото Mouflon
Фото Mouflon
Фото Mouflon
Фото Mouflon
Фото Mouflon
Фото Mouflon
Фото Mouflon
Фото Mouflon
Фото Mouflon

The mouflon is the smallest of all wild sheep but it was probably the ancestor of all breeds of domestic sheep. Mouflon is found throughout various countries in central Asia, in the Caucasus, northern Iraq, in the Balkans, and in Crimea where it was introduced in 1913. Besides, small populations occur in Corsica, Sardinia, and Cypres, though it is not clear if these animals are wild mouflon or feral descendants of domestic sheep. The males of this wild sheep have large spiraled horns that are triangular in cross section and coil in one circle; they are covered with numerous shallow rings. For most subspecies, females also have flattened and slightly curved horns, but they are much smaller than the horns of the males. In a few populations, most or all females do not grow horns. Adult animals have reddish-brown coat with white patches on the sides and dark stripe on the back; the winter colour of the coat is mach darker than the summer colour. Young mouflon have soft greyish-brown fur. These wild sheep prefer mountainous areas, though they move on the rocks slower and with more caution than mountain goats. Mouflon occur at elevations of up to 4,000 metres above sea level but they may descend to much lower altitudes in search of food. These sheep forage on the open slopes. Mouflon are gregarious and form herds. In summer, herds usually are comprised of females, lambs, and juveniles, while adult males form separate bachelor groups. Female groups may comprise up to hundred individuals. Males access female herds only for the mating season. In this period, males fight for the dominance, establishing strict hierarchy. In April or May females give birth to one or two lambs, though occasionally 3 and even 4 lambs may be born. The lambs are staying with their mother and later, remain with her herd, though she can give birth to new offspring. Mouflon graze on grasses but may browse leaves and fruits of the shrubs; they drink regularly and are able to drink salt water. Beginning from spring time, they gain weight but lose a lot of it during autumn and winter months. average body weight of the males is 40 kg, while average weight of the females is about 35 kg. Mouflon body length is 1.3 kg and shoulder height may reach 90 cm. In contrast to mountain goats, the mouflon relies on its speed when fleeing from predators in the open area but it is absolutely helpless on the rocky gorges or cliffs.

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