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The gemsbok Oryx gazella

Фото Gemsbok
Фото Gemsbok
Фото Gemsbok
Фото Gemsbok
Фото Gemsbok
Фото Gemsbok
Фото Gemsbok
Фото Gemsbok

The gemsbok is distributed in western and southern Africa, from Ethiopia and Somali to Namibia and the South African Republic. These antelopes prefer deserts and semi-deserts, but may occur in open savannahs. The gemsbok is a graceful, elegant antelope, combining both the power and elegance. Both sexes have muscular neck, relatively thin, sharp horns measuring about 90 cm (some have a length of up to 1.5 meters), and a tail resembling that of the horse. Gemsboks are well adapted to living in the desert environment with scarse water. They are able to run fast and can endure long runs over dozens of kilometers at a high speed. Gemsboks are not choosy eaters and can feed on scarce vegetation. They feed mainly on desert grasses covered with dust and sand, as their teeth with high crowns are well adapted to rough foods. Apart from grasses, gemsboks consume wild melons and cucumbers and sometimes dig for plant roots. Gestation lasts about 8.5 months and results in the birth of a single calf weighing 10 to 15 kilograms. The baby is born with small horns and is able to run after the herd in a few hours after birth.

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