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The defassa waterbuck Kobus ellipsiprymnus defassa

Фото Defassa waterbuck
Фото Defassa waterbuck
Фото Defassa waterbuck
Фото Defassa waterbuck
Фото Defassa waterbuck
Фото Defassa waterbuck
Фото Defassa waterbuck
Фото Defassa waterbuck
Фото Defassa waterbuck
Фото Defassa waterbuck
Фото Defassa waterbuck
Фото Defassa waterbuck

The defassa waterbuck is a large, strong antelope; the shoulder height of the males reaches 130 cm and average weight is 250 kg, while females are much smaller. Only the males bear heavy, widely spaced, heavily-ridged horns, which slightly curve forward and reach over one meter in length. The waterbuck has a peculiar voice; it produces intermittent bleating cry, which resembles both barking and metal ringing sound. The waterbuck is widespread in Africa, to the south from Sahara desert; it is not found only in the tropical forests of the basins of Congo and Niger Rivers, in Somali Peninsula and in the southernmost part of the continent. It is interesting that the name of this antelope does not reflect its biological features; the waterbucks are not actually aquatic. Rather, they are frequently found in the vicinity of rivers and lakes, like many other inhabitants of savannahs, though they will often venture into the water to escape predators. Waterbucks are good swimmers. They inhabit riverine thickets and woodlands, though they can be often seen in dry savannah scrublands and even in open steppes, for instance, in Ngorongoro Crater area. Adult males are solitary, while females with their young form small groups, which gather in large herds in dry seasons. Old males establish large home territories and during rut, try to hold female herds within their boundaries. The males often fight during the breading season. Before the fight, the males stand in front of each other with widely spread front legs and lowered heads. During the fight, the males clash their horns and push their foreheads against each other. The skin glands of the waterbuck secrete a greasy substance, giving these animals the name "greasy kob"; the smell is particularly pungent in males.

photo 3-6 - subspecies Kobus ellipsiprymnus ellipsiprymnus

photo 7-11 - subspecies Kobus defassa adolfifriderici

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