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The southern pudú (Pudu puda)

Фото Southern pudú
Фото Southern pudú
Фото Southern pudú
Фото Southern pudú
Фото Southern pudú
Фото Southern pudú
Фото Southern pudú
Фото Southern pudú
Фото Southern pudú
Фото Southern pudú
Фото Southern pudú
Фото Southern pudú
Фото Southern pudú
Фото Southern pudú
Фото Southern pudú
Фото Southern pudú
Фото Southern pudú
Фото Southern pudú

Genus Pudu

The southern pudú (Pudu puda)

The body length of this tiny deer is only 80 to 90 cm, the height ranges from 35 to 45 cm and weight is 7 to 10 kg. The southern pudú has a stocky body, short neck and little antlers that are not forked and have a length of 5 to 9 cm. This rare deer live only in costal areas of southern Chile and western Argentina where they inhabit dense scrub in the forests at altitude of up to 4,000 meters above sea level. Pudús are nocturnal, foraging in the night in open areas, including sea cost. These little deer feed on herbs, fallen fruit, seeds, tree leaves, and bark of shrubs. Because of their small size they often stand on their hind legs as they attempt to reach higher branches of young trees with their front legs. The southern pudú are solitary or live in family groups. Gestation ranges from 202 to 235 days and results in the birth of one spotted baby with the height of just 15 cm and weight 800 grams. The calves grow fast and are usually weaned at two months of age. By the age of three months the offspring reaches the size of adult southern pudú. Young pudús are sexually mature at the age of six months but often stay with their mothers till the age of one year.

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